End I-ready

    All parents and students, even teachers are being forced to force I-ready on both staff and students. The kids in our generation have enough stress to be stuck doing computer homework and it isn’t efficient. None the less given for a grade. Parents are the ones doing the lesson just to shut the faculty up. It’s 5.6 million dollars of funding that can go to higher falcuty pay and better lunches and salad bars at schools. This program is stressful for everyone and very expensive. If I wanted to teach my kids via a computer I would just have opted for home school. Kids need more time to do the homework besides iready and play out side play after school sports and activities and doesn’t help with our generation becoming more awkwardly social. They have enough of being in school for 8 hours. Let kids be kids. I say and I’m against this obnoxious program.
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