MAC Cosmetics is Torturing Poor Animals for No Reason. Demand a Transition to Cruelty-Free!

Amazing news for animal lovers and advocates: eased restrictions in China mean that many cosmetics sold there are no longer required to be cruelly tested on animals! This change means it is finally time for MAC Cosmetics to end animal testing, which is no longer required to sell its products in China!

Sign now to tell MAC Cosmetics: end animal testing on your products for good!

In the past, almost all cosmetics sold in China legally had to be tested on animals. This meant that any company that wanted to sell their products in the vast Chinese market had to go through animal testing -- whether that be dripping painful chemicals into bunnies' eyes, shaving guinea pigs down to their tender skin and burning them with unsafe products, shoving poisonous concoctions down mice's throats, or a whole host of other tortures.

This legal requirement made it hard to push for change on behalf of the poor animals who endure this type of painful, traumatizing testing in labs every year.

But since 2014, restrictions on cosmetics sales have been easing in the country. Now, if companies sell "general" cosmetics (skincare, hair care, nail care, makeup, and fragrances), they have the option to opt out of animal testing! This means potentially thousands of animals might no longer be subjected to the painful and traumatic tests that go on in these nightmarish testing labs!

Many companies have already opted to go cruelty-free under the new rules, such as Herbal Essence, Dove, and Supergoop! So why hasn't MAC Cosmetics made the commitment?

Right now, MAC is tormenting and abusing innocent rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice for no reason at all. Apparently a change in the law isn't enough to convince MAC to show some compassion for defenseless animals, but our collective voice might just be loud enough to make them listen.

Add your name and voice to the petition telling MAC Cosmetics: it is time to go cruelty-free! End animal testing now!
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