• av: Jessie Eames
  • mottagare: The victorian mayor and tony abbott

Horse racing is an only excuse to gamble and get money, they are not taking into account the horses welfare, they are treated badly if they don't perform, and if they get injured they are shot. 
it is disgusting and should NOT take place, they are KILLING horses just for GREEDY people's entertainment.

Early Melbourne Cup favourite Admire Rakti has died in his stall, after coming last in the race, while another horse has a suspected shattered hind leg after shying.

The seven-year-old galloper, which won the Caulfield Cup in brilliant style last month, was second into the final straight but faded badly and went back through the field to finish last in the 22-horse race.

It was reluctant to enter the gate prior to the race, kicking out with its hind legs. 

Early Melbourne Cup favourite Admire Rakti has died in his stall, after coming last in the race, while another horse has a suspected shattered hind leg after shying.

The seven-year-old galloper, which won the Caulfield Cup in brilliant style last month, was second into the final straight but faded badly and went back through the field to finish last in the 22-horse race.

It was reluctant to enter the gate prior to the race, kicking out with its hind legs. 

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