Justice for Marius the Giraffe: DEMAND that EAZA Change it's policies.

On Feb 9, Marius a young giraffe at the Copenhagen Zoo was killed with a bolt to the head. He was then butchered and fed to the lions. This was done in view of zoo patrons. The zoo claims that Marius' genetics were not good for them, and they needed to kill him to prevent inbreeding. Why were his parents allowed to breed, if the zoo knew any offspring would be genetically detrimental for the zoo? Several other zoo's offered to take Marius, yet the Cophenhagen Zoo proceded to kill him regardless of these offers. The European Association of Zoo's and Aquariums is the organizaton that oversees all European Zoos. They are standing behind the decision to kill Marius. Killing any animal for no good purpose is something uncivilized, barbaric people do. Killing in this way is a crime against all that is right and good in this world. This needs to end. Zoo's worldwide need to be acountable for bringing life into this world. They can not do so, and then just throw it away in this manner. It makes no difference of species. This sensless killing can not continue. Please sign this petition to URGE the European Association of Zoo's and Aquariums to change this policy.

Dear EAZA, 

The world has watched in horror as Maruis the giraffe was killed senselessly this week. As the organization that oversees all zoos in Europe, your organization is standing by this sensless killing.  The world asks why? There truly is no need for this.  Offers were made by other zoo's around the world to re-home Marius.  This would not have caused any trouble for you.  We are asking that given the outrage by the masses, that you reconsider this sensless, barbaric idea, that this action is justified.  We are asking you to STOP killing healthy animals to provide genetic and demographic management. PREVENT breeding, if offspring will be killed for this purpose and to REHOME animals that would be killed for this reason.  

When other options are available, what good purpose does killing a young, healthy animal serve?  

Thank you!

Uppdatera #211 år sedan
We only need 87 more signatures!!! If you have signed, please share this petition again. Thank you so much!!!
Uppdatera #111 år sedan
We are getting close to 1000 signatures, but to get there, I need your help. Please share this petition with you friends again. Tweet it, put it on other social media pages. Once we reach 1000, many more people will be able to see it and it could go viral.

Progress is being made.....

Thank you!!!
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