Ban Cosmetic Surgery for Dogs!

A Chinese dog breeder known as Mr. Yu is suing an animal hospital after his Tibetan Mastiff died during a facelift surgery. Though the dog was already a fine example of the breed, Yu believed a plastic surgery session would make the animal more attractive to female breeders, who would pay a higher price for mating their dogs with his.

Breeding Tibetan Mastiffs has become a big business in China, and the dogs have become a status symbol. Mr. Yu's choice to make his dog attractive through plastic surgery, and the hospital's choice to go through with the surgery, sets a horrible precedent. Forcing dogs to undergo plastic surgery is not only cruel and dangerous, but dishonest, as studs will not pass on the looks acquired through cosmetic procedures. Please sign the petition to convince Chinese legislators to ban cosmetic surgery for dogs!

A Chinese dog breeder known as Mr. Yu is suing an animal hospital after his Tibetan Mastiff died during a facelift surgery. Though the dog was already a fine example of the breed, Yu believed a plastic surgery session would make the animal more attractive to female breeders, who would pay a higher price for mating their dogs with his.

Breeding Tibetan Mastiffs has become a big business in China, and the dogs have become a status symbol. Mr. Yu's choice to make his dog attractive through plastic surgery, and the hospital's choice to go through with the surgery, sets a horrible precedent. Forcing dogs to undergo plastic surgery is not only cruel and dangerous, but dishonest, as studs will not pass on the looks acquired through cosmetic procedures. We respectfully urge you to ban plastic surgery for dogs in China. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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