Gumtree is just one selling site that allows people to buy and sell their pets online, however it is one of the largest and most well known. If we can ask Gumtree to stop allowing animal adverts, then maybe other sites will soon follow suit.
Animals often exchange hands with no home checks or suitable questions about who is purchasing the pet and why. Unfortunately, many animals advetised on the site will end up either being used as bait for fighting dogs, or abandoned on the street when the new owner realises they can't care for them properly.
As a Veterinary Nurse I have seen first hand what can happen to animals bought or sold on these types of sites and it is time to change that.
Animals are not property and should not be available to buy or sell or a website, they should be in the care of rescue centres, which are able to offer necessaru checks on potential owners and also offer to take the animal back if circumstances change.
Gumtree is just one selling site that allows people to buy and sell their pets online, however it is one of the largest and most well known. If we can ask Gumtree to stop allowing animal adverts, then maybe other sites will soon follow suit.
Animals often exchange hands with no home checks or suitable questions about who is purchasing the pet and why. Unfortunately, many animals advetised on the site will end up either being used as bait for fighting dogs, or abandoned on the street when the new owner realises they can't care for them properly.
As a Veterinary Nurse I have seen first hand what can happen to animals bought or sold on these types of sites and it is time to change that.
Animals are not property and should not be available to buy or sell or a website, they should be in the care of rescue centres, which are able to offer necessaru checks on potential owners and also offer to take the animal back if circumstances change..
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