Stop Pigeon, Rabbit & Deer Hunting In Scotland

These company has been providing hunting, shooting and stalking packages in Scotland. From thier office set in the heart of Scotland they also manage hunting grounds covering more than 250,000 of woodlands, agriculture and open hill, which is a habitat for an abundance of wildlife including deer and game.

The Image is
Sylva Rum - Hunting Offer - Scotland:

Help close these sites and many others who advertise Hunting In Scotland. We are proud of our land and proud of the animals that inhabit that land, and Hunting in Scotland is NOTHING to be proud of. End All Hunting in Scotland completely.

Hunting Scotland

Deer Stalking Scotland

H u n t i n g   i n   S c o t l a n d

Hunting Act 2004

Scottish Government Contacts

The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

The Hunting Act bans activities that Parliament believed to be cruel sports and permitted activities that it believed to be necessary for land managers. Safari in Scotland has built up contact with over 200 farmers and landowners and has exclusive rights to shoot the geese. Also has 23 Duck flighting ponds, each of the ponds can accommodate up to 6 hunters and an average 12 to 40 ducks are shot each night. game shooting and deer stalking on more than 1 million acres of hunting grounds. These Animals are being Killed For sport Nothing More. Its Time To End These Primeval Killings. These activities should be banned completely.
We The Undersigned Would Ask For A Complete BAN On Hunting In Scotland and the Closure of Hunting in Scotland Websites.

Thank You For Your Attention & Co-Operation In This Matter.

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