VIGIL OF LAMENT & CONSOLATION - Friday March 28 @ 11:30 :
UPDATE (March 27, 6:30pm): We had a great meeting with members of the University of Waterloo Administration this morning. Below is the link to the common themes we found in the feedback we received - which we shared with and discussed with the University in our meeting today. They were very receptive of our ideas and were grateful to have students working with them on this.
We are confident that change will be made on our campus and this couldn't have happened without all of your support. These things do take time though, and we - as well as the University, would appreciate your patience in this matter as we continue to work together and work to implement the best solutions for everyone.
Here's to celebrating and strengthening our community.
Links to recent publications from CTV, CBC, and the University of Waterloo!
UPDATE (March 21, 10:00pm): Thank you all so much for your signatures and your stories. We are completely blown away by the support this has received! The purpose of this petition is not to blame the University or create a divide between the students and the University. We want to work with the University to build upon the resources and services that are already in place.
We have created a safe space for people to anonymously share their thoughts and ideas, which we will be sharing with the University. This form can be found here:
Thank you again! Please continue to sign and share the petition as well as keep the conversation going! This is just the beginning.
1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental illness but 5 in 5 people have mental health. This includes the students at UWaterloo.
In light of events this term at the University of Waterloo, we are calling for change. Something needs to be done. The University needs to do more. We need real, visible, measurable change.
We need to create a culture of mental wellness on campus. We need to reduce wait time for those students that are struggling and reaching our for help. We need assistance in transitioning from high school to university. We need preventative measures so we don't continue to lose students. We need mental health education.
Students, staff, and faculty of The University of Waterloo, I invite you to add your name to this petition to make it clear that something needs to be done about this.
UW, I encourage you to reach out to your students and ask them what they would like to see change. We are experiencing this first hand, and we have ideas about how to make a change.
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