We DEMAND that the New York Daily News FIRE Gersh Kuntzman IMMEDIATELY.

This man is a disgrace to everything that is moral. His obviously bitter and hateful views have absolutely no business being broadcast in a public media outlet such as the Daily News. Hate for the sake of selling papers should be left to Rupert Murdoch. Kuntzman is a hate-baiter and needs to be fired from his post immediately, if not sooner. His article on Glenn Frey, just HOURS after the man had passed was disgusting & pathetic. His views on the cow that escaped in Queens are just the antics of a childish, simple-minded loser who obviously has deep personal issues of hatred and bitterness. His views are archaic. It's so apparent that he spews his hateful views as a way to make himself feel better about his sad, pathetic tragedy he calls his little life. Either way, his articles are better reserved for tabloid rags and not a real news outlet. As long as he remains on the staff, we will never buy another Daily News paper. Rectify this situation as soon as possible or you might find yourselves without a following or a circulation..

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