South Korea: Strengthen the punishment for animal cruelty!

  • av: Timothy J
  • mottagare: Presidential Blue House and National Assembly, South Korea

Warning: Video may be disturbing.

Video of Incident

Video of Incident 2

Recently, in South Korea, a 3-month-old puppy was killed when the owner threw it away in the pet store. According to information, the owner demanded a refund, telling that her puppy is suffering from Coprophagia, a habit that dog eating its own poop. When it was denied, she heartlessly, mercilessly threw the dog into the direction of the store owner, killing it. The video was so devastating and hard to watch. Dog owner issued a pathetic excuse after getting arrested: "I thought store owner will catch my puppy. I never thought my puppy would die." 

However, the law in South Korea is weak against any animal cruelty. According to my research by local news articles, most of the people who committed animal cruelty goes free after paying fine. In addition, the maximum punishment is $17,730 fine or 2 years in prison.
This is way too weak. Animals are suffering everywhere, and the law is just forgiving people for their animal cruelty and abuse. Animals are the living things that must be protected and handled with care. If there's a person who treats the animals like machine and toys, he/she must be punished severely.
For this, I demand the law in South Korea to be fixed, strengthening the punishment for any animal cruelty. I think we need more jail sentence and harsher punishment, to make sure abusers learn the fact that animals are 'life'.
I saw too many incidents about animal cruelty, and the abusers are getting freed without getting any proper punishments, compared to animal's suffering. Animals are 'life' that must be protected and handled with care. Please join me and sign today to ask South Korea to strengthen the punishment for animal cruelty, so this kind of tragedy never happens again.

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