Thank you all for your help!!! ***UPDATE*****

Some of the animals have been removed from the home.  A wonderful Lady Judy Du Bois from Leon County has taken custody of some of the animals and looking for homes for the pigs and some of the dogs.  If you want to help please contact her.  I apprecaite all the love and support in helping me and the animals. 

A home in Liberty County has multiple dogs and pigs that are starving. Usually with no food and water. Yesterday, 05/05/2019 a starving dog got into the pigs pen and tried to kill it to eat them. The owner refuses to do anything to help these poor animals even after being offered help and a home for all these animals they cannot take care of. The County has no animal control. 

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Some of the animals have been removed from the home. They are looking for homes for the pigs and some of the dogs. If you would like to help donate you can contact Judy Du Bois. Thank you!!!
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