Stop killing innocent dogs !

  • av: Ma Ry
  • mottagare: Government

Here in Pakistan, in the province of Sindh, the government has declared to finish dogs lives. Its happening in Lahore as well. Due to their number increasing everyday and not having enough vaccines. They claim that all the dogs they're killing are ill and diseased with rabia, but thats not true ! They are killing thousands of healthy dogs as well. They are poisoning and shooting them everyday, imagine the terror in their eyes and heart seeing each other in pain and danger ! Please raise your voice against this cruelty ! We need people to contribute and support us, the people who want to help them are too little in quantity as compared to the ones who dont care at all ! Killing them isn't the solution, we need vaccines ! Please help us we beg you. Stand against animal cruelty, they're innocent souls...

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