(We and I) DEMAND Congress to vote for safe Wild Horse bills when the committees meet next week.

Congress vote for a bill to protect our 90,000 wildhorses.

  1. Mr. Donald Trump set up a budget for the 2018 year involving what could happen to wild horses-which (we) want to protect.
  2. Shooting, Euthanized or shipping international is Not a SAFE plan for our feral wild horses.

Calling these Senators will help voice our support. Mitch McConnell (202-224-2541. Chuck Schumer (202-224-6542).
House speaker Paul Ryan (202-225-3031). House Majority Leader Levin McCarthy (202-225-2915).
We have less than 6 days till they vote.

Uppdatera #16 år sedan
I have "good news" for all of you. The Omnibus spending bill came out (early) from my understanding of Congress voting in a bill made for March 23 and America's wild horses (feral) and burros are safe for the next six months. This spending bill expires on September 30,2018.
I will send the signatures to members of senate, house speaker Paul Ryan and house majority leader Kevin McCarthy.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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