Stop the Sale of Hermit Crabs in Jefferson Mall, Louisville,KY

  • av: Donna Terry
  • mottagare: Jefferson Mall, Louisville, KY

While visiting family in Louisville,KY,we went to Jefferson Mall. I was shocked & saddened to see an area set up selling hermit crabs. The exhibit consisted of hermit crabs, packs of "food", & small plastic terrariums for their habitat. 

How could this be legal? As a lifelong resident of the MS Gulf Coast I  know to respect wildlife & to leave it in its Natural Habitat. These crabs outgrow their shells & will need to find a larger one. Their shell is their protection & the beaches are their home.  The painted shells are toxic & can cause death. Without their natural habitat, hermit crabs will only live a fraction of their lifespan.

Please help to educate others about hermit crabs. Knowledge is power & will have a great affect on supply & demand. Let us keep hermit crabs in their natural habitat....NOT in shopping malls .

Please sign & share with everyone so that we Can make a difference!    

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