Help us create standards for green web hosting.

  • av: Tim Frick
  • mottagare: Internet Service Providers

Data centers use massive amounts of electricity, very little of which currently come from renewable sources. In fact, the internet is on its way to emitting 1B tons of CO2 every year which is larger than that of the airline industry. Increasingly, companies want to power all of their business processes with renewable energy, including hosting of their websites and applications. To date, we do not yet have standards or comprehensive systems to understand whether a particular data center is truly green. And many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have insufficient resources to measure or improve their energy performance - or they simply choose not to disclose their consumption.

Over the coming years, as we consciously create a more sustainable planet, every business will need a reliable, standards-based, and user-friendly set of tools to determine whether their websites and applications are being powered by renewable or polluting energy. Let's work with the web hosting industry to devise standards for powering the internet with renewable energy. If you care about the future of our planet and the use of renewable energy to power our networks, please sign this petition and join our community.

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