Boycott the supporters of Greyhound Racing Australia, Coca Cola, McDonalds and more there is a terrible photo of one of the dogs after the terrified and totally helpless possum ! The dog doesnt look so well itself 

UPDATE :  SCHWEPPES has pulled their support  ! keep it going awesome people !

To tell Coca Cola and McDonalds to end their support of the Greyhound Racing tracks in Australia especially the ones using illegal and horrific practices like starving the dogs to entice them to chase LIVING animals placed on the end of poles. The dogs are then urged to chase the 'bait' and rip them to shreds.. It is reported some animals are still alive and suffering horribly at the end of the practice !!! AND the trainers stand laughing..
Let this barbaric practice end, and the trainers illegally using hapless animals to train dogs, made to suffer the consequences to the full extent of the laws against such an unspeakably barbaric practice.

Thank you,
on behalf of the innocents


Gaea Redwood 

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