Tell Municipality of Cernavoda to stop the cruel killing of stray dogs

  • av: Sari Taipale
  • mottagare: Municipality of Cernavoda, Romania

Earlier this week the Municipality of Cernavoda, Romania ordered a mass capture operation of strays: in the morning three vans transported dozens of dogs, many of them puppies, to the place where they will be killed.

Since June last year, the Municipality started to apply the "killing law". This is the worst capture operation we face for months and voices talk that it will go on for days. We are following the situation which at the moment is very confused. In the meantime we asked the citizens to keep their dogs safe, since we have no more places left in our shelter facilities.

Please take a moment to write to the veterinary authority ANSVSA in Romania, to protest the cruel conditions in Ovidiu public shelter in Constanta. Please ask them to inspect the shelter and ensure that the dogs are fed, treated and released for adoption as required by the law.

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