Demand disaster relief fund in response to coronavirus!

The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc in our communities. We have already been facing a crisis caused by New York City government's racist displacement agenda that has targeted communities of color. Small businesses have already been shuttering or cutting workers' hours, while working people have been forced to double or triple up in homes, to deal with rising rents. Now, we are facing an even more rapid closure of small businesses and loss of jobs and hours. Many workers living paycheck to paycheck cannot afford to stay home and lose income, and living in crowded conditions makes self-quarantining impossible.

We call on everyone to join us in demanding the government not use this pandemic to further displace our small businesses and community members, and provide relief for working people. We demand the City and NY State government immediately:

1. Establish a disaster relief fund to help workers cover living expenses, regardless of their immigration status, who are laid off, have their hours cut or are otherwise affected as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19, and help workers easily obtain disaster unemployment benefits.

2. Cut small businesses' real estate tax or rent and/or provide rent relief for small businesses.

3. Establish medical facilities that can be easily accessed by patients to get tested and receive necessary treatment quickly and be quarantined if necessary, instead of self-quarantining. Provide enough protective measures for health care workers to stay safe. 

4. Establish a disaster relief fund to help workers for lost income when they test positive for the COVID-19 and need to be quarantined, regardless of their immigration status.

5. Demand the President issue a Disaster Declaration to include direct economic assistance to individuals.

To get more involved, reach out to us at

For the Spanish petition:ñosnegocios-y-trabajadores

Uppdatera #34 år sedan
Gov. Cuomo is forcing frontline home care workers to work 24-hour workdays. It is shameful and inhumane! Join the women, immigrant, and workers of color leading this fight who are hurt the most by this systemic racism and sexism. Sign and share the petition demanding Cuomo abolish the 24-hour workday and stop wage theft. Visit our website at, email us at, or call us at 212.358.0295 for additional information.
Uppdatera #24 år sedan
As this pandemic ravages our community, Governor Cuomo is moving to cut $2.5 billion of health spending, including $400 million from NY hospitals. This is the latest in a pattern of budget cuts threatening the supply of thousands of hospital beds and services that we desperately need as health care workers struggle to save lives! Please spread this petition widely. Now more than ever government should take responsibility to relieve working people, not make it harder for us to survive!
Uppdatera #14 år sedan
Hi everyone,

Your comments and signatures are very uplifting. Right now we need to amplify this petition and continue building support for these demands to put pressure on NY government. Please spread this petition to your social networks and on social media, and send it to people individually and ask them to do the same!

Stay safe.
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