Inflict Harshest Sentence For Offenders of Largest Dog Fighting Ring

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: New Jersey Law Enforcement and Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites nationwide in an effort to stop dog fighting in New Jersey and get these offenders harshly punished. The brutal treatment they inflicted on these dogs is horrific and they should be held accountable for each act of animal cruelty and abuse.

Originally, when brought to the home in Paterson, police were investigating charges of drug abuse. However, when they entered the premises, they discovered, blood splattered walls, dead fighting dogs stuffed in trash bags, and starving puppies that were crammed into small crates. This drug bust turned out to be the site of one of the largest dog fighting rings police and animal control has discovered. Twenty-one pit bulls were rescued from the home which included 18 puppies and three maimed adults. This was in addition to the four dead dogs that were tossed in trash bags like yesterday’s garbage.

The dogs rescued on 226 Van Blarcom Street in Paterson were crammed in crates in a dark basement, along with the dead animals. All the dogs were in deplorable condition, either maimed with severe injuries or emaciated. In addition to the drugs and animals discovered, police also found a handgun and an estimated $12,000 worth of crack cocaine and marijuana. Steroids used for fighting dogs also were found in the home, along with needles, electronic collars to shock the dogs, and bloodstained sticks used to pry open their jaws.

The good news is that all the dogs appear to be adoptable and none will be put down. They’re friendly. They just got hooked up with bad people. Two men were arrested, Caurie Swinger, 21, and Ashley Bryant, 32, and will be charged with animal cruelty along with other drug-related charges, possession of a firearm and more. Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites nationwide in an effort to stop dog fighting in New Jersey and get these offenders harshly punished. The brutal treatment they inflicted on these dogs is horrific and they should be held accountable for each act of animal cruelty and abuse.

New Jersey Law Enforcement and Judicial System – More needs to be done to crack down on these types of dog fighting rings. There needs to be more awareness by law enforcement and imploring on the help of the citizens in an effort to stop these horrific practices that inflicts severe brutality on these dogs. Laws must be enforced with stricter punishments. Both Caurie Swinger, 21, and Ashley Bryant, 32 need to received at least one felony count of animal abuse for each dog found on the property, living and dead, along with the drug and gun charges. Unless you inflict stronger sentencing for such acts, these abuse behaviors will not stop!

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