• av: Caleb Carr
  • mottagare: Governor John Bel Edwards, Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

After being kept in inadequate conditions and suffering from spindle cell sarcoma, a cancer that can be treated if caught early and addressed correctly, Louisiana State University's live Mascot, Mike the Tiger, died without ever knowing even the freedom and final days comfort of a sanctuary. And now LSU is looking for a new live tiger, which will be treated no better. Governor Edwards and the Louisiana SPCA, you MUST hold LSU accountable for continuing the practice of having a live mascot -- which must be banned from your own and all states -- and you must hold them accountable for unspeakable cruelty, both physical and emotional, to Mike. This is a moral imperative: Louisiana must demonstrate respect for basic animal rights.

After being kept in inadequate conditions and suffering from spindle cell sarcoma, a cancer that can be treated if caught early and addressed correctly, Louisiana State University's live Mascot, Mike the Tiger, died without ever knowing even the freedom and final days comfort of a sanctuary. And now LSU is looking for a new live tiger, which will be treated no better. Governor Edwards and the Louisiana SPCA, you MUST hold LSU accountable for continuing the practice of having a live mascot -- which must be banned from your own and all states -- and you must hold them accountable for unspeakable cruelty, both physical and emotional, to Mike. This is a moral imperative: Louisiana must demonstrate respect for basic animal rights.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
OKAY, AN UPDATE: MIKE'S CANCER WAS NEITHER INFECTIOUS NOR, NECESSARILY, "TERMINAL." It became so because it was caught too late and inadequately treated, so please, don't ever let these people have control over ANY animal, much less an exotic big cat, again!
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