Wild Horses Are Being Gunned Down and Terrorized Inside an Australian National Park

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Government of New South Wales, Australia
The New South Wales government in Australia has approved a trial policy of shooting wild horses to death. Even worse, it's claiming this cull is somehow humane!

Sign the petition to demand the New South Wales government abandon its cruel horse slaughter scheme!

Authorities are specifically targeting feral horses living inside Kosciuszko national park, a place that wild animals should be able to consider a refuge.

This supposedly "humane" cull involves chasing frightened horses with helicopters, then gunning them down from the sky with a "repeat shooting" policy. This is terrifying for the animals!

On top of that, most horses were shot a truly shocking number of times. On average, each horse was shot upwards of seven times. Some had as many as 15 bullet wounds.

Culls aren't only terrorizing for animals, they're also ineffective. And the New South Wales government should know that. It first began trying to cull feral horses back in 2021, but the population of wild horses has only increased since then. So it's chasing and gunning down these animals - for what? Clearly not for population control, since this tactic doesn't even work.

Stand up for animal welfare and tell the New South Wales government to end this cruelty! Sign the petition to oppose the "repeat shooting" cull scheme in Kosciuszko national park.
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