Don't cut housing benefit in the UK for 18-21 year olds!

The Tory Government plan to cut housing benefit for most 18–21 year olds from April 2017. This will plunge many young people into homelessness, and as a result will not save much money at all.

Housing benefit in the UK is paid to people who can't afford housing. This cut will affect almost 20,000 young people. Rents in England are the most expensive in Europe and young people are extremely unlikely to own their own property. 

Under the conservative government, tuition fees have been raised, unemployment for under 25s was recently at its highest for twenty years, grants for low-income students have been scrapped and the minimum wage increases don't apply to this age group.

The charity Centrepoint (a young people's homeless charity) have pointed out how difficult it is for young people to 'prove that you can't go home'. At particular risk are young LGBTQ people who may be less likely than others to continue to live with parents or in shared accommodation.

Let's tell Chancellor George Osborne that the attack on young people's futures needs to end. Housing benefit needs to stay for all young people who need it. Please sign this petition and share it. 

You can also tweet the petition link with the tag @George_Osborne

Dear George Osborne,

I'm writing out of concern for young people in the UK, and oppose the potential housing benefit cuts for 21s and under.

Currently they are facing a future of dim prospects, with unemployment for under 25s being currently at its highest, grants for low-income students having been scrapped and adolescents being exempt from proposed living wage increases.

Young people are some of the most vulnerable people in our society and deserve better than this.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your name]

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