Challenge EU Member States to stop the illegal trade of wood in the EU.

  • av: Veselin Varbanov
  • mottagare: Council of Europe ,EU Congress ,Thorbjørn Jagland ,EU Committee of Ministers (CM)

New laws governing timber imports into the European Union (EU) require the 27 EU member states to identify the country of origin and legality of imported timber. If effectively implemented, such legislation can achieve a major reduction in the amount of illegal and unsustainably-produced timber imported every year into the EU, and take pressure off critical habitats, protect local forest community livelihoods and boost the legitimate timber trade, where independent certification according to the standards of the FSC is the best available guarantee of sustainable timber production. 

Let us challenge EU Member States to take the enforcement of the EU Timber Regulation seriously and stop the illegal trade of wood based products in the EU.

This includes the introduction of effective sanctions and an inspection system that works. 

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