Ask the BHS to start policing their membership approved establishments

  • av: Lorraine Mitchell
  • mottagare: Lynn Peterson. Chief Executive of The British Horse Society

It has come to my knowledge that some BHS approved riding establishments are more interested in income than the welfare of the horse. I am asking that the BHS does random, unannounced checks on their approved establishments to enforce the care and welfare that should be at the forefront 24/7 not just when the inspector ids due to arrive.

I know of one establishment where a horse was still used regularly in lessons and hacks despite it's saddle being so poorly fitted that it had bare patches on it's back.

Another establishment had a pony that had a fit in a lesson in winter. It was untacked and left in the menage overnight, unable to get up and without any rugs with the comment "It' will get better or be dead in the morning"

When the BHS were asked to visit this establishment the person making the request was told "our annual visit is not due for another (however many) months.

The BHS approved riding school where I first met my horse uses outdated techniques and beatings to get a horse into shape. Including chasing a "naughty" cob type horse around in the arena until it was adrenalined up like a racehorse, It's eyes had gone worse than a really bad weaver and it was wired so hot you could hardly touch it.

These establishments carry BHS approval they should be setting an example to the horse world in care and understanding of these hardworking animals and for the BHS approval to mean what it says these establishments need random checks.

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