Shocking footage has emerged showing a hunter hitting a badly injured wolf repetedly. The vicious man can be seen pounding the animal in the head on and on; the powerless animal tries without success to defend himself as he appears to have a broken back.
The hunter’s friend, who films everything, can be heard laughing and encouraging his buddy. At one point he shouts: ‘Hit it on the head, on the head!’
The man’s actions have caused outrage on social media as thousands of users are calling for justice. The hunter has yet to be identified.
The incident was filmed in Kazakhstan, a country where wolf receive no protection. Wolf cubs are not starting to be purchased as pets in order to protect land and property. Widlife experts warn that keeping wolf as pets is extremely dangerous.
This video comes only weeks after another hunter was spotted holding an injured wolf by its ears for a trophy photograph before choking the animal to his demise. The video was taken in eastern Kazakhstan and the hunter was identified as Erzhan Aga, a local expert in tracking down wolves. The man never faced prosecution for his actions.
In the light of these events, the need to protect the wolf population in Kazakhstan is extremely necessary. Keeping these beautiful and majestic animals without protection would mean their slow and painful ending.
The government should impose a complete ban on wolf hunting and should create special areas in which wolf population can be kept under constant care and supervision, to ensure their complete protection and safety.
Take action now and demand protection for the wolves in Kazakhstan and ensure that such sick actions are a thing of the past!
Local reports stated the man seen in the video had not yet been identified, though his actions provoked outrage after the footage surfaced online.
Although wolf populations are strongly protected in Europe, no such legislation exists in Kazakhstan, where wolf cubs are sometimes bought and used to protect land and property.
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Footage of the cruel incident comes just months after a video surfaced showing another Kazakh hunter holding a wolf by its ears for a photograph before appearing to strangle it to ensure it is dead.
The footage, which emerged from eastern Kazakhstan, showed the hunter grabbing the stricken animal which has collapsed to the ground.
Blood from the bullet that struck the wolf can be seen staining the fur on its hind legs.
Hunter holds down wolf for photo as it fights for its life
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A hunter grabs a dying wolf by the ears and forces it pose for a camera +8
A hunter grabs a dying wolf by the ears and forces it pose for a camera +8
The hunter was caught on camera lifting up a dying wolf by the ears and forcing it to pose for the camera
After holding up the animal, it begins to fight back and even tries to bite the hunter but he manages to subdue it +8
After holding up the animal, it begins to fight back and even tries to bite the hunter but he manages to subdue it +8
After holding up the animal, it begins to fight back and even tries to bite the hunter but he manages to subdue it
He then forces the wolf down to the ground and appears to strangle it to death before leaving it to die +8
He then forces the wolf down to the ground and appears to strangle it to death before leaving it to die
The wild animal then tries to fight back as it writhes around in the hunter's hand and even attempts to bite him.
But despite its best efforts, the hunter persists in pulling the wolf by the ears in order to get the trophy shot.
The man is dressed in traditional Kazakh hunting dress and smiles proudly while holding up his kill.
Eventually he forces the animal to the ground and then appears to strangle it with its bare hands to make sure it is dead.
The hunter was identified as Erzhan Aga, who is well known in the local area as a specialist for tracking down and killing wolves under licence from the local authorities.
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