Stop Giving Birds Cocaine & Other Drugs To Win Belgian Pigeon Races

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Belgium Government Officials

Please sign and share this pigeon to stop the absurd practice of doping up pigeons in order to win pigeon races.  It is definitely deceitful as well as abusive to the animals by injecting them with drugs for personal gain and money!!

An investigation is underway regarding Belgium pigeon races.  It was discovered that several of the birds were doped with cocaine and painkillers; people have heard of athletes consuming these drugs to win at their sports.  They believe that these “performance-enhancing” drugs can rake in lots of money when the birds win.

Belgium pigeon breeding and racing has raked in millions and millions of prize dollars, especially with their famed bird named “Bolt,” who was named after a famous Olympian. Bolt was sold to a Chinese gambler for $430,000 in order to partake in the pigeon races.  Birds like Bolt and others full of the drugs were held up by Chinese customs because of their value when inflicted with the substances.

The Belgium pigeon-racing federation had samples of more than 20 birds sent in for evaluation, according to media authorities.  Some of the testing was done in Belgium, itself while others were performed at the National Horseracing Authority in South Africa. It is no surprise that Belgium claimed the birds were clean and healthy while South African labs found problems.   “Cocaine in one, painkillers and anti-fever drugs for another,” the newspapers reported.

The breeders and owners of the pigeons are faced now with theft and racketeering charges, not to mention cheating and deceit.  Of course, they are not considering the fact that filling the birds with drugs is most definitely a form of animal abuse and cruelty.  We must stop the abuse and these Belgian Races in order to make money!!!  Please sign and share this petition in order to stop the absurd practice of doping up pigeons in order to win pigeon races. 

Belgium Government Officials – You need to open your eyes to the illegal acts going on right under your face and put an end to the practice of doping up the pigeons in order to win races.  It is not only illegal and deceitful; it is also animal abuse and cruelty.  Those involved should be charged with racketeering, cheating and, above all, putting animal’s in harm’s way for personal gain!!!  Stop the absurd practice of doping up pigeons in order to win pigeon races. 

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