West Papua was colonised by the Netherlands in 1898, along with the islands that now make up Indonesia. When the Republic of Indonesia became an independent nation state in 1949, West Papua remained under Dutch control. The Dutch government began preparing West Papua for its own independence throughout the 1950s. At the end of 1961, West Papua held a Congress at which its people declared independence, and raised their new flag – the Morning Star.
But within months the dream was dead. The Indonesian military invaded West Papua and conflict broke out between the Netherlands, Indonesia and the indigenous population regarding control of the territory. The US intervened and engineered an agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands, which in 1962 gave control of West Papua to the United Nations and one year later transferred control to Indonesia. The Papuans were never consulted. However, the agreement did promise them their right to self determination – a right which is guaranteed by the UN to all people in the world.
Since then, the people of West Papua have been subjected to the most horrific acts of brutality, suppressed and oppressed, tortured and maimed and killed. It is estimated that more then 700,000 people have been killed so far.
The killings continue unabated. The UN and the West continue to ignore the situation for economic convenience.
The people of West Papua are a Melanesian people, a Pacific people, the Pacific cannot be said to be free as long as West Papuans are unlawfully imprisoned on their own land.
It is absolutely necessary as human beings, to fight against the inhumane treatment of humans everywhere. It is absolutely necessary for Pacific Islanders and Melanesians and indeed Papua New Guineans, to sign this petition and bring the situation of West Papua to the attention of the United Nations Secretary General and the General Assembly and the United Nations Security Council so that this issue is addressed and the people of West Papua can be free to determine their own affairs and realize their dreams
Dear General Secretary Ban Ki Moon,
Find attached a petition to your organization that is self explanatory. Here, as the UN Secretary General, you have the opportunity to correct a horrible mistake made by your organization in 1965 when it handed West Papua to the Government of Indonesia without the consent or permission of the people of West Papua.
Ever since then, many have been tortured, maimed and killed in the most brutal fashion imaginable. Meanwhile, the UN and the West, have remained silent and have done nothing to correct this terrible mistake and address this situation.
Whilst the reasons for inaction and silence is easily concluded, the fact remains that the lack of attention allows for a systematic genocide to take place. It is estimated that already more then 700,000 people have been killed. These are Melanesians and Pacific islanders and human beings Secretary General.
We the people who have signed this petition, demand that United Nations address this matter immediately without delay. That the United Nations correct their mistake and be what it preaches, an organization that promotes humanity and peace. In fact, it has been failing in regards to West Papua, this is the opportunity to reverse this horrible mistake.
Secretary General, I urge you to take note and act. You will be doing great service to humanity, your efforts will certainly save lives and prevent brutality.
Gary Juffa
Member of Parliament
Papua New Guinea
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