BOYCOTT KOREAN-MADE PRODUCTS: Samsung Elec, LG car batteries, Hyundai Motors & Kia Motors, etc.

  • av: Carrie Kopp
  • mottagare: Park Geun-hye, President of South Korea

Stop the dog/cat meat trade and festivals, we will no longer buy your products until you do! We will continue to stay abreast of this horror that is active in your culture, and until it is changed we will not purchase ANY Korean-made products that come from your country. AND, we will continue to create, sign and share petitions informing the world of your atrocity. You should be ashamed of the evil-doing in your country. Butchering, torturing and eating animals that only want our love, and would do anything for us!! Many people prefer animals such as dogs and cats over people. Your country is shameful and pathetic!!

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