Stop Hunting Lynx in Europe

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez Potocnik

Despite the European Lynx being listed as a protected species by The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, and as a species in need of strict protection by the Habitats Directive, the lynx is still hunted number of countries, including Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia and Romania.

In Sweden, the number of litters declined by 25% in 2010, as hunting begins before the lynx mating season. Today, there are only 1250 left. Stop the licencing to hunt and kill the lynx.


European Commissioner for the Environment

Janez Potocnik

B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

Fax: 0032 (0)2 298 82 88

Despite the European Lynx being listed as a protected species by The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, and as a species in need of strict protection by the Habitats Directive, the lynx is still hunted number of countries, including Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia and Romania.

The number of litters declined by 25% in 2010, as hunting begins before the lynx mating season. Today, there are only 1250 left. Stop the licencing to hunt and kill the lynx.

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