Save the strays in Romania

For years the problem of the strays in Romania was treated as a political coin and nobody did anything for the animals or for the humans that share the same cities. The funds have been used for private interests without the slightest concern for the animals.

So for the sport or revenge some people took the matter in their own hands:

The solution already working in Oradea city, in Romania, is STERILIZING. But none of the governments have been capable of this simple solution.

Now, in the light of an unfortunate accident, they want to solve this by mass massacre.

Please help the already unfortunate dogs of Romania by signing this petition.

Thank you,
Dear Prime Minister Ponta,

For years
the problem of the strays in Romania was treated as a political coin and nobody did anything for the animals or for the humans that share the same cities. The funds have been used for private interests without the slightest concern for the animals.

So for the sport or revenge some people took the matter in their own hands:

The solution already working in Oradea city, in Romania, is STERILIZING. But none of the governments have been capable of this simple solution.

Now, in the light of an unfortunate accident, they want to solve this by mass massacre.

Please help the already unfortunate dogs of Romania by signing/supporting this petition.

Thank you,
Signera petitionen
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