Say no to the destruction of native bushland in Australia.

  • av: Ellie van Veen
  • mottagare: Australia's Misinter For The Environmemt, Greg Hunt.

Destruction of native forests and bushland has a massive impact on Australia aa a nation.

Animals are having their homes destroyed amd are becomming extinct, just because us humans are sprawling out over Australia, cutting down and destroying forest that are hundreds of years old. Around 5 per cent of Australia's higher plants, 7 per cent of reptiles, 9 per cent of birds, 9 per cent of freshwater fish, 16 per cent of amphibians and 23 per cent of mammals are listed as Extinct, Endangered or Vulnerable.

Not destroying forests and bushland also has a massive advantage to humans... We breathe in oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide. Trees take in Carbon Dioxide and change it to Oxygen. Trees create the air we need to breathe! And we're destroying them!

About 90 per cent of native vegetation in the eastern temperate zone has been removed for agriculture, industry, transport and human habitation. About 50 per cent of Australia's rainforests have been cleared and the proportion of Australia covered by forest or woodland has been reduced by more than one third (Source: Creating Markets for Biodiversity, Productivity Commission, Canberra, April 2001). if this continues, we will have no forest or bushland left.

We need to do something about this. Say no to the destruction of native forests and bushland.

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