Stop the ban on large, so called "aggressive" breeds

    I own my own small animal business. I do grooming, pretty sitting and teach dog obedience. My father was a zoo director for several years and upon retirement, taught about wild life conservation around the United States. He also opened a boarding and grooming kennel for 30+years before passing away. I've dealt with animals, especially dogs, my whole life. There is no such thing as an aggressive breed! Any breed can bite! In my 54 years, I've personally been bitten more by small breeds than large "aggressive" ones! The only difference is that more damage can be done because they are bigger. It's like airplanes vs cars. More people die in automobile accidents every day than in airplanes. The difference is that more people die at 1 time in an airplane than they do in a car. Pit bulls were actually bred to be nannys so that the parents could work! It is the way that they are raised and not because of the DNA! Please stop the ban against owning large "aggressive" breeds with insurance companies and apartment complexes, etc....
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