Ask Dow Agrisciences to release the 36 beagles previously used for pesticide testing to HSUS.

    Since Dow AgroSciences (now known as Corteva Agriscience) announced they would stop testing pesticides on the beagles earlier this month, following an HSUS undercover investigation at the Charles River Laboratory in Michigan, the HSUS has been in talks with the company about the dogs’ future. Last week they were told they planned to work with the National Animal Interest Alliance, a group linked to organizations that profit off animal suffering, to place the dogs. NAIA was not created to home animals but to instead fight the work of animal protection groups. After HSUS shared their concerns, Corteva yesterday informed them they had chosen not to work with NAIA. Ask Corteva to work with the HSUS and one of their shelter partners to give the beagles a new lease on life.
    Uppdatera #15 år sedan
    Victory! Dow AgroSciences beagles will head to Michigan Humane Society for TLC and happy futures
    With your support, HSUS convinced Corteva to release the beagles to a reputable shelter where they would can find forever homes.
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