Demand an End to the Yulin Dog and Cat Meat Festival

  • av: Charlie Goh
  • mottagare: President Xi Jinping & The Citizens of China

We consider them to be man’s best friend, but not in China.

China is preparing for its annual dog meat festival in June. With an estimated 10-20 million dogs killed for their meat each year, this festival promotes animal cruelty and clearly, without a doubt, symbolize the cruel betrayal to human’s best friend.

Many of these dogs, still wearing their collars are stolen pets that are slaughtered for the festival. Having compassion for all animals is the sign of a mature, civilized society. China needs to improve its international reputation and follow the example of developed nations that have banned eating dogs and cats.

To President Xi Jinping:

We respectfully urge you to join the international community to ban the mass slaughter and consumption of dogs and cats in China.

These are sentient beings that are subjected to a horrible brutal, and painful death of being beaten to death in front of each other; causing severe animal suffering, and at the same time threatens public health and the spread of rabies. 

We appeal to your leadership in protecting the well being of both your people and animals, and demonstrate China's global reputation as a progressive nation.

Uppdatera #48 år sedan
Congressman Hastings (D-FL) introduced a resolution condemning China's dog meat festival and calls on the Chinese government to end the dog meat trade.

The resolution says dogs are captured & beaten to death with shocking brutality, and also suffer mental anguish by watching other dogs being killed, then disemboweled and blow-torched in front of them. It concludes by saying this Festival is a spectacle of extreme animal cruelty and encourages China to impose a ban on killing and eating dogs.
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Some estimated 10,000 - 50,000 dogs and cats will suffer, be butchered, beaten to death, skinned alive and eaten in 2016. This disgusting, and barbaric horrific mass slaughter of dogs and cats that are cooked alive or tortured to death during the cooking process.

Please sign and SHARE to stop the Chinese Yulin dog meat festival. The Chinese authorities won’t act until they see how badly it’s hurting China’s global image, which they’ve been working hard to improve.
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Today is National Pet Day, a day we celebrate the unconditional love our pets give to us.
April 11 marks the official day where we honor those animals that add joy and love to our lives.

STOP THE YULIN DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL - No animal should ever have to suffer at the hand of humans.

#‎StopYulin Please help put an end to this despicable behavior by signing, and sharing the petition:

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you for supporting this petition to end the brutal killing of cats and dogs for their meat.

Please help stop the annual Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival which takes place in China on 21st June 2016. Over 10,000 dogs will be boiled and burned alive, clubbed to death and electrocuted. I humbly request that you watch this video,

Please sign, and share the petition to end this horrific festival. #StopYulin #StopYulin4ever
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