Save Animals from Live Export Cruelty!

Tens of thousands of animals have been wasted this month in the live export trade. A recently released video shows a brutal cull of 10,000 sheep sent to Pakistan from Australia, with some of the animals being stabbed or buried alive. Though the shipment of 21,000 sheep had passed earlier health checks, authorities later found they were infected with salmonella and anthrax.

Earlier in September, 30,000 baby cows shipped from Australia were slaughtered after being stranded at an Egyptian port for weeks. Egypt's Ministry of Agriculture chose to destroy the animals after discovering that they contained a possible carcinogen.

Animals are being packed into ships and kept in horrible conditions only to be rejected and eventually slaughtered once they reach their destination. Thousands of animals die in transit. Please stand up for these animals and sign the petition to ban live export of livestock.

To: The Honorable Members of Australian Parliament

As you may be aware, tens of thousands of animals have been wasted this month in the live export trade from Australia. A recently released video shows a brutal cull of 10,000 sheep sent to Pakistan from Australia, with some of the animals being stabbed or buried alive. Though the shipment of 21,000 sheep had passed earlier health checks, authorities later found they were infected with salmonella and anthrax.

Earlier in September, 30,000 baby cows shipped from Australia were slaughtered after being stranded at an Egyptian port for weeks. Egypt's Ministry of Agriculture chose to destroy the animals after discovering that they contained a possible carcinogen.

Animals are being packed into ships and kept in horrible conditions only to be rejected and eventually slaughtered once they reach their destination. Thousands of animals die in transit. To prevent these tragedies from occuring in the future, we respectfully urge you to place a ban on live export of livestock from Australia. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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