Stop Animal Testing!

We need to stop animal testing! Over 1.4 million animals are being treated like objects. Their home is a cage just a little bigger than the animals size. Dangerous chemicals are being injected into their bodies just to see the affects of it. Animals deserve to live just as much as humans do. Those poor creatures forgot the feeling of love and care, some don't even know that feeliing.  They are scared out of there mind, even if a human walks by their cage they think they are going to be injected again and/or be abused. They have no control over their own live. They can't control even control when they want the light on or off, what they eat, when they eat and when they can sleep. Animals and humans are they same on the inside just look different on the outside. They probably have nightmares every night. Some times I think death would be a more peaceful place than those labs.
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