Ganga is the Holy and mighty river of India, which supports more than 43% of its population. The purity of water of Ganga river is such that even if it is preserved for many years, the water from its river never stagnates or gives foul smell unlike water from other places !!!!! There is also a strong belief that the waters of the river Ganga remove the sins of one who takes a dip in its Holy waters. The river Ganga flows from Gangotri Glacier to the Ganga Sagar or Basin at Bay of Bengal, along with many holy piligrim centres and also nurtures in its depths and gives life to various species of crocodiles, fishes, turtles and other species of acquatic animals.
But it is very sad to note that such a mighty, holy and benevalent river of India, has not only been the cause of greed but also the cause of neglect, misuse and utter destruction. More than 50 dams have been built on it along with diversion of its waters into tunnels which are more lengthy than the length of the river itself, with a view to rob the masses of their water resource by secretly channeling the water to several places like Delhi where the water is sold and has become commercially viable resulting in obstruction of the flow of water in the river Ganga, which is also affecting not only all the millions of people residing on the banks of the river Ganga but also is affecting directly the ecological balance of all places where the river Ganga flows along with the lives of all those acquatic animals which were residing in the river Ganga. Added to this, all forms of pollution, including dangerous industrial chemicals and effluents, garbage, sewage, drains and chemicals in the range of 10,000 million litres per day or more than 10,000 tons per day are dumped in the flow of the river Ganga, which not only destroys all the acquatic animals in the river Ganga but also destroys the river too along with indirectly affecting all those living on the banks of Ganga river.
It is also predicted that by 2040, India would not have a river called Ganga as the Glacier from which Ganga river is flowing would completely melt down due to the ignorance, greed, neglect and destruction shown by the Govt. over the past several decades as because of Govt.'s policies and rules, the holy and mighty Ganga river is on the verge of becoming extinct. Added to this, frequent poaching activities are quite common in the water of river Ganga along with dumping of dead bodies.
Hence, please sign this petition to IMMEDIATELY save, clean, preserve and maintain the flow, purity and abundance of the holy and mighty river Ganga along with the Gomukh Glacier so that Ganga River regains its lost glory not only in terms of its purity, flow and freshness but also in terms of its ability to nurture all kinds of acquatic animals within it. Make mankind become proud of such a mighty river which supports more than 43% of the population of India. Let us take a pledge to not only SAVE the Gomukh glacier but also remove all those dams which hinder the flow of Ganga river and which were created to make misuse of the waters of river Ganga, and, let us also take a pledge to STOP the inflow of all kinds of pollution including all industrial effluents and chemicals, garbage, sewage, drains and dumping of bodies into the waters of river Ganga including poaching activities in the waters of Ganga river.
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