Demand Better Protection for Horses Now!
Horses are the least protected of all animals. Why? Because they are good money makers. They are made to race, perform and females are used for Premarin production. Many horses used for racing are sent to the meat market or just discarded and killed after they are no longer useful to their owners due to injuries or losing races. Horses are made to perform in shows. When it is difficult for them to perform a certain trick or act, they are whipped until they complete the act. Females are kept tied up in small enclosures and pregnant to produce Premarin (which stands for Pregnant Mare's Urine), a hormone replacement therapy. It is necessary to keep them pregnant all the time because the hormone replacement therapy needs the mare to be pregnant to produce this therapy. When their foals are born, the foals are left to die. The mare has no meaningful life and her babies cannot have a life at all. This is all unnecessary because there are alternatives to Premarin. There are plant-based hormone replacement therapies women can take. It should be made mandatory that doctors are informed about what takes place to produce this therapy and doctors should be made to inform their patients of their choices and what those choices entail before they automatically prescribe Premarin for their menopausal patients.
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