Lennox is gone, but questions and outrage remain

In Northern Ireland, the Belfast City Council proceeded with the destruction of Lennox on Wednesday morning.

Or did they?

There is little doubt that Lennox, a dog condemned to death for looking to be a "pit bull type" of dog, is dead - the question is when did he die?

Most individuals who have followed the Lennox saga closely have wondered why nobody was allowed to see him.

Why was the family denied the right to say their good-byes?

Why was the family denied the right to have his body, for that matter, even his collar, after his death?

Last week, Victoria Stilwell, world-renowned dog trainer, flew to Northern Ireland with great hopes of meeting with the council members and ideally, returning home to the United States with Lennox.

Today, she is calling for an investigation into the council members. Her own hope and confidence that the city council was being truthful has flipped to one of disgust and dismay.


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