This Hospital Chain Uses an Algorithm to Decide Who Is Most Likely to Die

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
When a Texas woman's daughter was hospitalized for COVID-19 in 2021, she was terrified. But she had faith that her child would pull through.

Doctors, on the other hand, repeatedly tried to convince her otherwise. And a new investigation shows why: because the for-profit corporation HCA Healthcare would rather make more money than prioritize keeping its patients alive and well.

Luckily, the woman ignored the doctors' pleas to send her child to end-of-life care, and her daughter experienced a full recovery. But how many people were swayed by this corrupt institution and didn't get access to vital, life-saving care because of it?

Sign now to tell the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services to investigate HCA Healthcare and these horrific claims!

Interviews with over 30 HCA doctors and nurses revealed that the healthcare giant routinely pushes patients to hospice intentionally to boost its company metrics. By pushing patients to end-of-life care, HCA lowers its in-hospital mortality rates, reduces money spent on proper robust healthcare treatments, and frees up bed space for a new patient to bring in more money from insurance. This isn't just typical corrupt or greedy company behavior - this could result in the death of patients who still have a chance to live.

HCA Healthcare earned a whopping $5.6 billion last year, and is the largest hospital chain in the United States. A company that prioritizes profits over the well-being - or even survival - of its patients should no longer be allowed to own or run hospitals. It's that simple.

The Department of Health and Human Services must investigate this claim immediately to ensure no more people suffer under HCA Healthcare's greedy, devastating algorithms! Sign now if you agree!
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