People's Republic of China: Stop the Unnecessary Testing of Cosmetics on Animals

A couple of decades ago many people were outraged to find that their cosmetics were being tested on animals, and many people who have done research have always tried to buy non animal tested cosmetics. This eventually led to a European law in 1993 that would ban animal testing, and the selling of animal tested cosmetics in the EU. The law has listed three parts to ensure only cruelty free cosmetics will be sold in Europe, the first part, no testing of finished cosmetics. This isn't enough because if you just ban finished cosmetics testing, you could still test ingredients on animals. This lead to the second part stating that even ingredients can't be tested on animals. But this still leaves a loophole, because companies could get testing done in other parts of the world, and non-EU companies that test on animals can still sell their products in Europe. As of now the two parts of the law are in force for the EU.

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