Stop Ad Campaign regarding Elephants who might kill

Recently we received mail from World Vision Canada. On the envelope was a picture of a large elephant with large ivory tusk. On it, there was also a picture of an African girl and the caption "If the water doesn't kill her, the wild elephants might.".

Although that might be true when the girl fetches water - there were better ways of stating the danger. Why not just dangerous animals - why was there a need to single out the elephant - what about lions, hyenas, etc?

Given that elephants have their own survival problems, this marketing approach is totally unacceptable. This mailing campaign should be stopped.

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
61 signatures in less than 16 hours. Thank you to all who signed. Let's keep this petition up front by sharing with others - that way we can send a Strong Message to Word Vision. Everyone have a Great Day
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