Demand for Perpetual Care at St. John's Cemetery in Keeseville, NY

Please join us in letting St John's Cemetery and it's church know that we, the long standing people of it's community, are demanding a permanent solution to the problem of maintenance and upkeep of our deceased loved ones resting place. Perpetual care has been paid in full with the understanding that our loved ones will not be forgotten. Lawn care and maintenance is to be kept up in accordance to the paperwork signed when paying for their final resting place.
The Catholic church states: "The Christian care with which we exercise our pastoral responsibility for the burial of the dead and our administrative responsibilities for the care of our Catholic cemeteries is a witness of our Gospel faith. Our Catholic cemeteries assure the orderly burial of the body, the continued care of the site of burial, and help to hold the deceased in our memory and prayers."
Please sign this petition to help remind the church of its promise to the people who put their faith in the Catholic Community when choosing their final resting place.

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