Compassion for sterilised cats let Mrs Jones keep them!

  • av: Bryant Roberts
  • mottagare: Chief Executive, City of Bayswater, Western Australia
Mrs Louise Jones, who lives in Perth Western Australia, is fighting to be allowed to keep stray cats she has been looking after that have been dumped near her property. Mrs Jones has personally paid for the sterilisation of over 100 stray cats and rehomed a majority of these. She has erected extensive fencing at her property and provided a loving and caring home for cats which could be rehomed. Despite this and being complaint with Council cat laws and policies, Council is misusing health laws to force Mrs Jones to give up her cats which will very likely result in the cats being euthanized. Demand that Mrs Jones be allowed to keep the cats on her property and recognise her public service in caring for cats and preventing future breeding of unwanted kittens!
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