Stop Embridge Inc. from destroying Canada Rain Forest

With 80 per cent of the planet's ancient forests already lost or degraded, the need for increased protection of the world’s remaining forests is more urgent than ever. Forests help stabilize the climate, sustain life, provide jobs, and are the source of culture for many Indigenous communities. We oppose destructive and unsustainable development in the remaining ancient forests in Canada and around the world. To effect positive change and put lasting solutions in place, we challenge the global marketplace, engage consumers, pressure governments and work with industry to protect the Boreal Forest, the Great Bear Rainforest and the Indonesian Rainforest.

Please sign and pass along to your family and friends. Take part to help stop Embridge Inc. from building a pipeline right through Canada's Great Bear Rainforest.  

Thank you.
REMEMBER, every signature counts.  

Dee Snow 

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