Canada Has Finally Banned Conversion Therapy. Tell the U.S. to Do the Same!

After several unsuccessful attempts, Canada has made a historic leap forward in protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people by instituting a nationwide ban against conversion therapy! This crucial milestone will protect future generations from the discriminatory and abusive pseudo-scientific process that has been used to harm vulnerable youth for a century.

Sign now to demand that conversion therapy be banned nationwide in the United States!

Canada is not the first country to ban conversion therapy outright. This dangerous practice is illegal in Malta, Germany, and Albania, and France's senate recently voted to criminalize it. But the United States lags behind, and estimates suggest that nearly 700,000 Americans have undergone conversion therapy at some point in their lives. Research shows that this process can be especially traumatic and destabilizing for young people -- and, devastatingly, about half of Americans who have received this harmful "treatment" had the experience as adolescents. 

Twenty U.S. states and over 100 American municipalities have banned conversion therapy already, which is great news for human rights, but it is not enough. Most Americans support an outright ban on conversion therapy nationwide. Congress's job is simple: be on the right side of history and legislate a ban that has widespread support! Take immediate action to protect our LGBTQ+ community members in this country!

We cannot allow this type of trauma and abuse to continue any longer. If we really care about LGBTQ+ youth, we must protect them from the violent process of forced questioning of their identities -- rooted in homophobia and transphobia, and wildly traumatizing. The time to pass a ban on conversion therapy in the United States is now! Sign the petition if you agree!

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