NIH, Stop Funding Cruel Experiments on Cats!

  • av: Susan V
  • mottagare: NIH and University of Wisconsin

For decades the NIH has been funding incredibly cruel experiments on cats at the University of Wisconsin.

Records and photos obtained by Peta show these taxpayer-funded "sound localization studies” involve implanting steel coils in cats’ eyes and electrodes into their brains through holes drilled into their skulls.

Photos of Double Trouble, a gentle tabby killed by this testing, speak volumes, while internal UW documents detail the extent of the abuse she endured. In addition to the implantations noted above, experimenters also deafened her with a toxic substance applied within her ears, where electrical devices were also implanted. She then had to sit, restrained, through hours of sound testing.

An infection eventually led to her death after months of the living hell she endured with this barbaric treatment. Lab reports’ last entry note her “depression.”

Nothing could possibly justify such barbaric treatment of any animal.

Tell the NIH and UW to stop these experiments at once!

We, the undersigned, are outraged by the reports of animal cruelty at UW, labeled as "sound localizations studies," even more so that they have been condoned by the NIH.

The American public, whose tax dollars have funded these experiments on cats, should be further outraged that their money has been spent on such barbarism.

Additionally, the secrecy that has apparently allowed these experiments to continue without public scrutiny should never have been allowed, and we sincerely hope that Peta’s publicizing of this abuse and our petition will serve to put an end to this and all inhumane experiments on animals.

Despite how difficult it is for many to view and read about such horrific cruelty, we are grateful that it has been exposed, and we now expect the NIH and the University of Wisconsin to end these and all such experiments at once.

Thank you for your time.

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