Please stop Unilever testing on animals

millions of animals are cut up and killed every year just to get near improved products out quickly to make billions of pounds profit a year.  According to uncaged website and PETAs website they are cutting up animals to get their products out quickly.  Apparently, it is banned in the UK but they test their ingredients in USA and Japan where it is not banned!!!
Uniler make  Dove, Signal, Vaseline, Sunlight, Sunsilk, Axe, colmans mustard, PG Tips etc, and there is no law required to animal testing.  Please hurt them in the I pocket by boycotting buying their items and hurt them in their pocket, I imagine if they did this to your pet ?!!! Ps. Please google/yahoo unilever animal cruelty.  Don't listen to companies that say they only test when it is required by law, the only law that is required is in China.  Paul Mitchell hair products pulled out of selling his items in China by refusal to test!

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