Petition to Hi-C to bring back Ecto-Cooler

This is a Petition for Hi-C Minute-Maid) to bring back "Ecto Cooler" and it's original Flavor.. Come' on!! We all remember that awesome drink our moms would pack for us everyday for school.

The goal is to get atleast 10,000 Signatures and I will send it to Hi-C. Get this info to all everyone who loved Ecto Cooler. I miss it, and I'm sure you do too! Pass this on to everyone.
Dear Minute Maid,

My name is Nick Wightman and I write to you as a long time consumer to Coca Cola, Minute Maid and Hi-C. I've been drinking Hi-C for as long as I can remember. Since I was a child, I've been drinking Hi-C. I grew up on it. This is what brings me to write this letter. Ecto-Cooler was the reason I drank Hi-C. I drank so much of it, that I think that my parents spent at least $3,000 a year just on Ecto-Cooler.(That's what my Dad told me)  Ecto-Cooler was not only the best flavor in the history of Hi-C, but probably the most successful flavor for any Juice in General. I mean you kept if has a flavor for more than 10 years! It was only suppose to be just a promotion for the movie.

I know, Ecto-Cooler was changed into another name, but since a lot of people, didn't know it, they didn't buy it. And now it's gone and now we know. This isn't about me anymore. It's about everyone out there in the world who misses Ecto-Cooler. We don't miss the Slimer logo, or the GhostBusters  drink. We miss the Ecto-Cooler Flavor! I know this hasn't been your first letter to receive about this drink, so isn't that a hint? A large number of us want this drink back! We don't care what you call it, how you promote it, as long as it's remade!

We ask that you re-create Ecto-Cooler with it's original Flavor! We know that if this is done, not only the Ecto-Cooler fans will re-buy it, but new kids, will love this drink! It was the drink of my childhood among many. It should be the drink of everyone's child hood. Please do this for us! Please bring back the Flavor of Ecto-Cooler!

Please understand, that I have made this a life long mission and I'm not going to stop until I can drink the taste of Ecto-Cooler again and I speak for everyone who's signed this petition! Can't you tell how much this means to us? Please do it! Please Bring it back!! It will be the best thing that Hi-C has ever done!
We thank you for your time in reading this and we ask again, please please bring it back!
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