No More Giant Panda Deaths: Urge China's Panda Diplomacy to Be Careful in Its Zoo Selection!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: China Wildlife Conservation Association

The news of China sending two giant pandas to the San Diego Zoo, marking the first panda loans to the United States in two decades, brings both excitement and a deep sense of responsibility. However, the history of giant pandas living abroad underlines the critical need for selecting zoos that not only meet but exceed standards in care, safety, and conservation practices. 

In early 2023, 24-year-old giant panda Le Le tragically and suddenly died from heart disease at Memphis Zoo. For years, animal rights groups have claimed the Memphis Zoo was mistreating these gentle giants, but the zoo wasn't investigated before Le Le's death. 

Sign the petition to urge China's panda diplomacy program to implement stringent selection criteria for zoos receiving these precious ambassadors!

With fewer than 2,000 giant pandas remaining in the wild, each panda loaned to a zoo becomes a beacon of hope for the species' survival and an ambassador for wildlife conservation. It's essential that these criteria prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of the pandas, ensuring they live in environments that closely mimic their natural habitat and are provided with the highest level of care.

We owe it to these magnificent creatures, and to future generations, to ensure that every panda loaned as part of this program thrives and contributes to the broader goal of conservation and mutual understanding between nations.

Sign the petition to urge China's panda diplomacy program to be careful in its zoo selection!

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